Memories I

It was already a few weeks since Granny was gone, I was flipping through the photo album and came across some photos that were taken more then 10 year ago.. As I looked through all these photos, my tears were rolling down my cheeks.. Somehow, i really still misses Granny so much..

Why do we always tend to do stuff that would only result in being regretful later on in time?? We always tend to take things for granted and would only learn to cherish them after they were gone.. But it is already too late by the time we want to spend more time with them.. Sometimes, we are so busy with our own stuff that we would neglect our love ones.. We tend to find excuses for ourselves as a form of consoling when we are unable to find time for them..

After all the stuff that I've gone through for the past few weeks, I strongly believe that we have to cherish our love ones before its too late.. We must not do things that would result in being regretful when time goes by..

This photo was taken on 26 Nov 1989..
I was like only 1yr plus.. Though this memory in my mind is quite faint, i could still see the love that Granny had for her grandchildren..

The next 2 photos were taken at my old house (Tampines).. I cant really rmb which year was it being taken but one thing for sure is that it had happened more then 15yrs ago.. Every year, we would always celebrate Granny's birthday.. No matter where the celebration was being held at, we always make sure that every family members would be present on that very day..

Throughout the years, Granny would always take very good care of us, no matter how naughty we might be.. She would often run after us in order to feed us.. I always remember that at every Chinese New Year, whenever my mum gave her red packets, she would refuse to take it and keep asking my mum to use the money to buy stuff for us.. Her love for all of us is really so great..

Whenever she comes over to my house to stay, my parents would buy her favourite food for her... There were many times where my parents would specially durian for her as it was one of her favourite.. Whenever my mum asked her to eat the durian, Granny would pass the fruit to us instead, telling us to eat.. Normally I would just asked Granny to eat it and do not have to worry as there is more.. It was only then that she would sit on the rocking chair and enjoy the durian..

Whenever she came over for the weekend to stay, my parents would always bring her out to eat.. One place that we would often to was Changi Village for Dim Sum.. Granny would keep asking us to eat, as she do not want us to get hungry.. Whenever at meals, she would cook her specialty and keep asking us to eat and would not wan any of us to go hungry.. Its all these small guestures that we would always tend to take it for granted..

I really miss her cooking such as the porridge and chicken wings that she would used to cook..

As Granny gets older, she was diagnosed with diamentia.. It was at that point of time when her temper starts to change.. She would keep nagging at us to a stage that alot of us would withdraw from her or even talk back at her.. Why didnt any of us understand her at all..?!? She only nagged at us for our own good but why do we only think of it as irritance?? She only wanted us to pay more attention to her but yet we were always so busy with our own stuff.. We keep telling ourselves that we have to be patient with her and try to understand what she was going through because of the diamentia.. But instead, we loose our temper at all, thinking how come is she so stubborn and would not listen to what we say.. We always tend to regret our actions when its too late.. She had only want the best for us and keep showering us with her love..

Granny, you would always remain in our heart and missed by all of us.. We appreciate all the stuff that you had done for us.. Thank you Granny..

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