Sudden depart III

The following events took place throught the differents days for the next 49 days...

1st week of depart:
We all met my uncle's house for prayers..
It was quite emotional for all of us..
Lots of prayers and kneeling took place..
Its taking a toll on our kneels..
Many of us are "suffering" from blue black on our knees..

For the next few weeks, we would also gather at my uncle's home for prayers sessions..

I remember at one time, my eldest cousin - Lifang, asked me this question: " Did you have any dream for the past weeks about Granny?"

Strangely, I indeed did had a dream on a particular night..

As we were advised not to burn any houses for my granny, we just burned for her other items like "LV bags, jewelleries, money, mercedez, aeroplanes,etc..." So we were all wondering that if we do not burn any houses for granny, where would granny stay..

Well, stangely, on one of the nite, i've this dream:
I was walking in a unfamilar house.. Just then, I saw granny sitting at the dining table with my grandpa... They were both smiling very happily.. Somehow, it seems to say that they were finally united together after being seperated for 30plus yrs.. They are staying together at the same house..

So somehow, it seems to answer all of our questions on where would granny be staying ba..

The 49 days seems to pass so fast..
It somehow signify that granny is already gone for 49 days liao le..
But have all of us accepted this fact that she is gone?
That's the qns that can only be answered as the time passed ba..

We will all carry on our granny wishes: No matter whether is she still around, we will still have our usual family gathering like always.. =)

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